Saturday, December 17, 2011

351 Days Ago

I started this blog. I was working 100% without a net. I knew I wanted to try my hand at writing, and I wanted to start 2011 out on the right foot. So I started a blog.

Blogging was infrequent, but theraputic. Writing was even more infrequent. That was less theraputic. But I'm ending 2011 with some things I didn't start it with.

A firm grasp on the publishing process.
An amazing group of fellow authors I am lucky enough to call my critique partners. (Go visit our blog. We're adorable.)

A 50,084 word shitty first draft, and a badge that says 'I won NanoWrimo 2011.' (And a gorgeous Kate Spade bag, my Nano present to myself).

A renewed sense of self.

A new goal, to complete, edit and pursue publication of my first novel.

And one last thing. A new blog!!

I wanted to buy myself something (aside from the purse) that says 'serious bsns in 2012.' So I bought myself a domain name. I have a website!! *dorky giggle*

I hope you'll come play with me over there. There will be cookies! I mean, they'll be virtual cookies, but I really would mail you all cookies, if I could.

So that's that. New year, new site, new purse (omg, I can't shut up about it, it's SO pretty!), new dreams. Well, same dreams, just far closer to the tips of my fingers than they used to be. And same old me.

Love and kisses and I can't wait for you all to come visit.

<3 Bec


  1. Congratulations on completing your goals in 2011 and on the new blog. I will go there and check it out. :)
